Friday, March 3, 2017

Ravnica Guild Boxes

I've always been a D.I.Y kind of person, always loved the "home made" feel and look to things, and have always found myself trying to make my own everything...I don't know why, I
just enjoyed it. I remember back in the 5th grade, collecting and trading Pokemon cards
(back in the glory days of pokemon, basic/jungle/fossil sets), and being the crafty kid I was, trying to make my own, which we could talk about in a future post...pretty funny I may add. 

Anyways, with that being said - 20 some odd years later, I had the idea of making my own deck boxes. Extensive searching of the web yielded very few results. I stumbled upon a page where someone who had created their own printing template, as well as designs had hosted the images... I will share those with you today, as well as sharing a few other blank box templates. Here is a sample...

**Templates and artwork by LumberJackSquid from 

Here is the link to the original page including the rest of the full sizes images for download.**


The templates are gorgeous, and are perfect for holding unsleeved decks, or just a stack of unsleeved cards.

-Use a thicker card stock if you want a more authentic feel
-Print the full size image using a standard 8.5x11'' sheet 
-Simply fold along the lines as given
-Trim any excess materials outside of the guidelines
-Fold lines using a straight edge (rules or a credit card works great)
-Cut lines as needed to properly assemble the box and glue as shown

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