Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Where's Jace?

Ahmonket is right around the corner, and all of the cards have been spoiled. Two Gideon's and two Liliana's, as well as a bad ass Nissa...which I absolutely love by the way. Standard has been Gideon heavy the past few rotations, and I don't see that changing this trip around the block...

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Alternate Expeditions (Part I)

Lottery lands! hmm...the Zendikar Expeditions look fantastic, what can I say? They brought back a lot of modern staples, as well as revamping some of the newer lands with a face lift (fetch lands, shock lands etc.) The chosen cards in this sub-set are without a doubt some of the best lands ever produced. Yet, if you are lucky enough to hit the lottery, you may not be happy with the reward. With that being said, here are some creations I thought would make up for the "not-so-good" expeditions. Here we go-

Art by Stephen Daniele HERE
Link to art HERE

Link to art HERE
Link to art HERE

These were made with our re-worked Zendikar Expedition frame. More additions will be posted in future posts, as this will be a full set of 20 cards. Any suggestions, please post in the comments.